Athletic Package Forms in Skyward
Starting with the 2019-20 school year, Clover Park School District is streamlining the process for submitting participation forms for all sports.
Athletics forms must be completed online by logging in to Skyward Family Access and clicking on the Online Forms link.
Both guardian and student will need to log into Skyward to complete the appropriate forms. All required participation forms must be submitted before a student participates in any athletics activity beginning with try-outs and practices before athletic competition or travels with a CPSD athletic team for any purpose. This includes all sports, dance and cheerleading.
The only required forms that cannot be completed electronically are the physical and individual sports information forms. Parents must turn in a current physical signed by a doctor along with the individual sport release paperwork to the Student Accounts Office before athletic registration is complete. Additionally, students must purchase an ASB card and have all fines and fees cleared before athletic eligibility will be completed.
*Important! Both Parents AND Students will need to complete their forms in order to enroll.
Instructions for Parents
- Log into the Skyward website and click on Open Family Access (For Parents).
- Click on Online Forms in the left-hand side menu.
Menu location for Parents

- Click on the Fill Out Form link for Athletic Eligibility Guardians (For Parents) in the pop-up window.
For Parents:

- Click the Next button after you read the District Message.
- Fill out the form then click the Complete button at the bottom for each form listed on the right.

- When all of the forms are completed, click on the Submit button at the bottom.
For Parents:

- Lastly, have your student/parent complete their part of the athletic package.
Click here for Skyward help or questions.
Instructions for Students
- Log into the Skyward website and click on Open Student Access (For Students).
- Click on Online Forms in the left-hand side menu.
Menu location for Students

- Click on the Fill Out Form link for Athletic Eligibility Student (For students) in the pop-up window.
For Students:

- Click the Next button after you read the District Message.
- Fill out the form then click the Complete button at the bottom for each form listed on the right.

- When all of the forms are completed, click on the Submit button at the bottom.
For Students:

- Lastly, have your student/parent complete their part of the athletic package.
Click here for Skyward help or questions.